How to Get Rid of Oily Skin
What causes oily skin
Oily skin in caused by excess production of sebum - the skin natural oils. There are a variety of reasons for this - however simple lifestyle changes can get rid of oily skin or make it more manageable, while in other instances it may be a little more out of control.
The OTHER causes of Oily Skin
There are plenty of other reasons you might have oily skin, a few of which we have control over.
How to get rid of oily skin
To suggest that there is an instant, cure-all oily skin remedy is unrealistic and inaccurate. However, there are plenty of healthy habits, preventative measures and NIVEA products which will certainly alleviate it. Follow our oily skin care tips below for fabulous, sheen-free skin.
Hormones & medicine
- There are some medicines that can increase oil production and cause oily skin. On the flip side, coming off some of these medications can cause your skin to change as your hormones balance settles. Similarly, certain steroids have been noted to cause oily skin. Other medications may cause dehydration as a side effect - which could result in excess sebum. Make sure to check with your doctor on the possible side effects of medication.
- Hormones can fluctuate especially in your teenage years. This can often stimulate oil. Puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause are phases of life associated with oily skin as are times of extreme stress or illness.
How to Manage Oily Skin
Oily Skin can serve a purpose
Oily skin can be a pain, but even though you know how to get rid of it, it doesn't mean you should be doing it all the time. Sebum actually serves an important purpose in maintaining skin health. It makes sure skin is kept moist and soft, as well as helping your skin's natural protective barrier. Follow the above oily skincare tips and tricks to get rid of oily skin.